My Cost of Living in Thailand

After 8 months, high and low seasons, wet and dry seasons, replacement of worn-out or lost or stolen items and 2 major purchases (camera, laptop) I have a pretty good idea of what it costs me to live here. YMMV. Numbers below are average cost per month.

Food Out 242
Entertainment 223
Shelter 216
Electronics 151
Scooter Rent 133
Misc. 129
Visa 72
Food In 61
Electricity 33
US Mailbox and International Shipping 32
Re-Supply 28
Medical 27
Laundry 24
Household 21
Cell phone 8
Bus/Taxi 7
TOTAL 1,407

Conversion to US dollars is based on the exchange rate when monies were transfered from US to Thai savings account. If all dollar to baht conversion had happened at the current exchange rate costs would be 6 percent higher.

[Added 3-June-2011] Two friends asked me why there is no Travel category. In my first year travel was overnight trips and day trips. Their expenses were counted but not broken out so the empty row marked Travel would mock me each month I wasn’t out exploring more of Thailand. Two trips already this year, more to come.[End add]

The ‘Re-Supply’ category is weird even by my nerdy standards. If I buy a new pair of shorts, for example, it’s recorded as re-supply because I left the states with shorts. Anything else I buy, like a storage container for the apartment is recorded under Household or Misc. OK, that’s how it’s recorded but not why. Damn if I know. I think originally it had something to do with tracking costs of essentials vs nice-to-haves.

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